Located on the island of "Thimilathiu"
on the Western flank of Batticaloa City, Sri Lanka Air Force Batticaloa
is the only aerodrome in the district of Batticaloa. This Station is
equipped to provide basic aerodrome facilities and fire cover for
commercial and military aircraft.

Additionally the
Station is also involved in assisting the other Security Forces and
civil authorities given on directives of the Air Force
Sri Lanka Air Force Batticaloa was declared
opened on 27th March 1983 by the Honourable MA Abdul Majeed, MP
& Deputy Minister of Posts and Telecommunications and the
District Minister for Batticaloa on the invitation of the Commander of
the Air Force Air Chief Marshal DC Perera. Since then SLAF Batticaloa
has been gradually developed to its present
At present Group Captain KHMSS Bandara function as the Commanding Officer of SLAF Batticaloa

Captain KHMSS Bandara RSP, USP, Pg Dip (Def Mgt)
Commanding Officer,
Sri Lanka Air
Batticaloa, Sri
+94 65 2224415, +94 65