Parama Weera Vibushanaya
Awarded to all ranks of the three services (Regular / Volunteer) for individual acts of gallantry and of the military nature bravery in the face of the enemy performed voluntarily. The decoration will be conferred by Her/His Excellency the President. Recipient of the decoration will be entitled to use the symbol PWV after his name.

Weerodhara Vibhushanaya
Awarded to all ranks of the three services for Individual acts of gallantry of a non military nature and for meritorious acts of a humane nature. The decoration will be conferred by Her/ His Excellency the President. Recipient of the decoration will be entitled to use the symbol WV after his name.

Weera Wickrama Vibhushanaya
Awarded to all ranks of the three services (Regular / Volunteer) for individual acts of gallantry and bravery of a in the face of the enemy, for meritorious acts of a humane nature. The decoration will be conferred by Her/His Excellency the President Recipient of the decoration will be entitled to use the symbol WWV after his name.

Rana Wickrama Padakkama
Awarded to all ranks of the three services for Individual associated acts of bravery in the face of the enemy and performed voluntarily.The decoration will be conferred by Her/ His Excellency the President. Recipient of the decoration will be entitled to use the symbol RWP after his name.

Rana Sura Padakkama
Awarded to all ranks of the three services for distinguished conduct in the face for the enemy. The decoration will be conferred by Her/ His Excellency the President. Recipient of the decoration will be entitled to use the symbol RSP after his name.

Vishishta Seva Vibhushanaya
Awarded to the Senior Officers of the Regular Forces of the three services for exceptional, distinguished and loyal service. The decoration is awarded at the National Day Parade and recipient will be entitled to use the symbol of VSV after his name.

Utthama Seva Padakkama
Awarded to all ranks of the three services (Regular) for valuable service and devotion to duty in exceptional ability, merit and exemplary conduct. Recipient will be entitled to use USP after his name.

Videsha Seva Padakkama
Awarded to all ranks of three services (Regular / Volunteer) for active service outside the territorial limits of the island.

Republic Of Sri Lanka Armed Services Medal - 1972
Awarded to all ranks in the services (Regular / Volunteer ) who were in the service on 22nd May 1972.

Sri Lanka Air Force 25th Anniversary medal - 1976
Awarded to all ranks of Air Force (Regular/ Volunteer) and Civilians who were on the authorised cadre on 02nd March 1976.

Sri Lanka Air Force 50th Anniversay Medal
Awarded to all ranks of the Sri Lanka Air Force (Regular/Volunteer) and the Civilians who were on the authorized carder on 2nd March 2001.

Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal - 1953
This is the official coronation commemorative medal and was announced on the 30th April 1953 for award (after the coronation) to selected individuals throughout Britain and the Commonwealth. Recipients included members of the armed forces, various government ministers, public servants and officials, police etc. a total of 129,051 medals were awarded.

Sri Lanka Armed Services Long Service Medal - 1968
Awarded to all ranks of the Regular Forces of the three services who have completed 12 years service as defined in the regulations made whose character and conduct have been irreproachable.(Superseded by Sri Lanka Armed Services Medal 1972 and subsequently 1979.

Sri Lanka Armed Services Long Service Medal - 1979
Awarded to all ranks of the three services who have Completed 12 years service as defined in the Regulations made and whose character and conduct have been irreproachable.

President's Inauguration Medal - 1978
Awarded to all ranks of the three services (Regular/ Volunteer) personnel who were in service on 04th February 1978.

50th Independence Anniversary Commemoration
Awarded to all ranks of the three services (Regular/ Volunteer) personnel who were on active service as at 04 Feb 1998 and recommended by the respective Service Commanders.

Desha Putra Sammanaya
Awarded to all ranks of the three services wounded in action in the face of the enemy and such injury is classified at least as "Moderately Severe" or killed as a consequence of such injury.

North & East Operations Medal
Awarded to all ranks of the three services who have served an accumulated period of 03 years in operational areas since 23rd July 1983.The First Clasp is awarded to those who have served for a further period of 02 years (total of 05 years)and the Second Clasp to those who have served for a further period of 05 years (total of 10 years).

Purna Bhumi Padakkama
Awarded to all ranks of the three services who have served in the districts of Jaffna, Vavuniya,Kilinochchi,Mullaitivu, Mannar, Bitticaloa, Trincomalee and Ampara for a period specified in the regulations made.

Vadamarachchi Operation Medal
Awarded to all ranks of the three services who were actively involved in the military operations in the Vadamarachchi area.

Riviresa Campaign Service Medal
Awarded to all ranks of the three services who were on active service, the Civilians employed by the three services (served in Jaffna peninsula) and the Civilians Doctors & there Staff (served in Jaffna peninsula for 7 days or more) during the period 17th October 1995 to 05 December 1995 and recommended by the respective Commanders.
Awarded to all ranks of the three services who have taken part in Combat, Fire support, Logistics, Medical Planning, Direction or any other allied activities during the said operation in the jaffna peninsula and other areas as per operation orders, for not less than 25 days during the period 17th October 1995 to 05th December 1995.

Ceylon Armed Services Inauguration Medal -1956
Awarded to members of the Royal Ceylon Air Force who served during 1950-1951.

United Nations' Service Medal (CONGO)
Awarded to all ranks of the three forces services who were actively involved in various peacekeeping missions in Congo.

United Nations' Service Medal (HAITI)
Awarded to all ranks of the three services who were actively involved in various peacekeeping missions in Haiti

East Humanitarian Operation Medal
To be awarded to all Military Personal on active service along with civilian doctors and their staff, police personnel, civilians, who were employed by the services and took part actively in the execution of the East Humanitarian Operation during the period of 28 July, 2006 to 10 July, 2007

North Humanitarian Operation Medal
To be awarded to all Military Personal on active service along with civilian doctors and their staff, police personnel, civilians, who were employed by the services and took part actively in the execution of the North Humanitarian Operation during the period of 26th February, 2007 to 18th May, 2009