The Physical Training Instructors (PTIs) of the SLAF are responsible for maintaining the physical fitness and physiological wellbeing of all Air Force personnel from the very inception of an individual to the SLAF. There are nearly 450 Physical Training Instructors (PTI) in the SLAF out of which approximately 150 actively represent the SLAF in Sports whilst the Balance performs the PTI duty in all Bases and Stations. The PTI Uniform and Badge The White Uniform and the PTI Badge distinguishes the Physical Training Instructors from the rest of the Servicemen of the SLAF, giving prominence to the role played by them.
Sri Lanka Air Force Sports Stations and Inter Unit Tournaments The In order to conduct Inter Station Sports Tournaments, separate Sports Stations have been established within the Sri Lanka Air Force. The games are conducted by the respective Games Committee Chairmen in liaison with the Command Sports Station. The separate 'Sports Stations' of the SLAF are as follows. a. SLAF Station Colombo (Including DSCSC Batalanda, Defence Services College and any other detachments coming under the administrative purview of SLAF Stn Cbo) b. SLAF Base Katunayake (Including Equipment Sec Kat, Cmd Agro Station Kat, Hospital Kat, Dental Station Kat, AFC Wing, M&EE Wing, SPU, No. 3 L&R Wing and SLAF Station Mgr) c. No.26 Regt Wing SLAF Base Katunayake (Including SLAF Band, No. 43 ColourWing and Air Dog Unit) d. S & MD SLAF Katunayake (Including ASD and EP&AU) e. Technical Formations SLAF Base Katunayake (Including AEW, GEW, MTR&OW, E & T E Wing, No 02 Sqn, No 05 Jet Sqn, No 10 Jet Sqn, No 12 Jet Sqn and, No 1 ADRS) f. SLAF Base Ratmalana (Including SLAF Station Kgl, SLAF Station Ktk, RRR Wing, SLAF Hospital Rma, No.2 L & R Wing and the KDU) g. Technical Formations SLAF Base Ratmalana (Including AF Museum, ASW, E & T Wing, IT Wing, No 04 Sqn and No 08 Sqn) h. SLAF Base Anuradhapura (Including SLAF Station Palavi, No 5 ADRS and No.06 Sqn) j. SLAF Academy China-Bay (Including No 01 FTW, JC&SC Cby, CTS Cby, NCO Mgt School and No 6 ADRS, No. 1 L&R Wing) k. SLAF Base Vavuniya (Including No 111 UAVSqn and No 2 ADRS, SLAF Detachment Mamaduwa and SLAF Detachment Madukanda ) l. SLAF Base Hingurakgoda (Including No 07 Sqn, No 09 Sqn, No 02 S & MD and SLAF Station Sigiriya) m. SLAF Station Diyatalawa (Including SLAF Station Wla, No 112 UAV Sqn, No 3 ADRS and SLAF Station Pgl) p. SLAF Station Ampara (Including Para School) q. SLAF Station Batticaloa r. SLAF Station BIA s. SLAF CTS Vanni (Including SLAF Station Mullaittive and SLAF Station Iranamadu) t. SLAF Station Morawewa (Including RSF) u. SLAF Station Palaly
PTI In Action .