Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Explosive Wing Comes into Action to meet the Corona Virus Threat
5:53pm on Saturday 1st February 2020
The No 49 Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and Explosive Wing of the SLAF came into action yesterday when a Sri Lankan Airlines Aircraft took off from Bandaranike International Airport to repatriate students in the Chinese province of Wuhan, affected by the Novel Corona Virus outbreak.
The flying crew departed Sri Lanka garbed in safety attire from the CBRNE unit and landed back at Mattala Airport this morning where a CBRNE Team was standing by to take them through a vigorous decontamination process to ensure that no contaminant was released into the environment.
The returnees were treated with special decontamination showers while all their personal belongings too were treated and returned once they were free of any risk.
The Air Force CBRNE Unit was established in the year 2016 at the Bandaranayake International Airport. The First Commanding Officer was Squadron Leader (now Wing Commander) Nilendra Perera who commands the Wing today as well.
The Wing consists of 6 Commissioned Officers and 50 Other Rankers. The Other rankers are made up from all trades of the SLAF. Airmen are trained locally at SLAF Base Katunayake and also sent on overseas specialized trainings to countries such as Switzerland, Serbia, Norway, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Czech Republic, South Korea, and USA
The Wing has been well equipped with modern equipment required to counter threats which may come from all five areas such as Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high yield Explosives.