Commander's Inspection of Sri Lanka Air Force Station Katukurunda for the year 2020
4:37pm on Sunday 27th September 2020
The Commander of the Air Force, Air Marshal Sumangala Dias conducted the Commander's Inspection of Sri Lanka Air Force Station Katukurunda on 23 September 2020. The Commanding Officer of the Station, Group Captain Buddhika Piyasiri received the Commander on his arrival.

During the course of the inspection the Commander visited all areas of the Station. The Commander also declared open the newly constructed Station Armoury and the newly renovated Station Sports Section.

On conclusion of the inspection, the Commander awarded Certificates of Commendation to the following personnel for their meritorious contributions to the Station in particular and to the Air Force in general.

Sergeant     Deshappriya MDI (Operationed Ground)     
Sergeant     Sadaruwan NKLH (Catering Assistant)
Corporal     Sampath BVS (Operations Ground)
The Commander addressed all Officers, Other Ranks and Civilian Staff. During his address, the Commander commended the Commanding Officer and his staff on a job well done. In conclusion, the Commander reminded all that he believed it was the duty and responsibility of all service personnel to maintain a high level of discipline and also congratulated the Station on a successful completion of this year’s Commander’s Inspection.



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