7:11pm on Thursday 28th January 2021
As a result of the “Gama Samaga Pilisandara” program conducted by His Excellency the President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at Kanugahawewa Village in Kebithigollewa, Anuradhapura on 30 December 2020, the Commander of the Air Force, Air Marshal Sudarshana Pathirana undertook the renovations project of the village in line with the 70th Anniversary of the SLAF.

The Chief Incumbent of the Kanugahawewa Abinawarama Viharaya, the Kanugahawewa Grama Niladari Officer and residents of Kanugahawewa discussed their needs with the Divisional Secretary and made a proposal on what was needed by the people Kanugahawewa. Based on the proposal made by the Divisional Secretary the Urban Development Authority has planned to develop the village of Kanugahawewa as a Model Village together with the Sri Lanka Air Force. The entire project is conducted under the guidance of the Commander of the Air Force who appointed a Steering Committee led by the Director Ground Operations of the SLAF, Air Vice Marshal Camillus Labrooy. Other members of this committee are Air Commodore Udula Wijesinghe, the Senior Staff Officer of the Directorate of Civil Engineering and the Base Commander of SLAF Base Vavuniya, Air Commodore Deshapriya Silva.

The Kanugahawewa Village is home to 314 families and approximately 942 civilians. Based on the needs of those in Kanugahawewa, renovation of the Kanugahawewa Abinawarama Viharaya, Kanugahawewa Vidyalaya, houses for those who cannot afford to build a house on their own and many other development projects have been undertaken by the Sri Lanka Air Force.

Signifying the commencement of the development project of this Model Village, the Commander of the Air Force, Air Marshal Sudarshana Pathirana placed the cornerstones today (28 January 2021) for the Teachers Quarters of the Kanugahawewa Primary School, a Bell Tower at the Kanugahawewa Abinawarama Viharaya and for ten (10) Houses which will be constructed during stage 1. The Commander also symbolically commenced the construction of 13 Km long Electric Fence which will in time protect the villagers from the elephant threat they face at present. This construction has been undertaken by SLAF Station Morawewa under the leadership of the Commanding Officer, Group Captain Hiyumal Dharmadasa. Today’s events were also attended by the Director Civil Engieering, Air Vice Marshal Ruchira Samarasinghe and the Acting Northern Air Commander, Air Commodore Channa Dissanayake.

The Project Plan is as follows.

1. Development and Renovation of Kanugahawewa Abinawarama Temple.
      - Completion construction work of the Dhamma School Building.
      - Renovation of the Bodhi Prakaraya.
      - Construction work of the Sangawasa Building.
      - Construction of the Pagoda.
      - Construction of a new Toilet Complex.
      - Construction of a Bell Tower.
2. Development and Renovation of Kanugahawewa Vidyalaya.
      - Construction of a building for Teachers’ Quarters.
      - Construction of a school playground.
      - Construction of a new school building
3. Construction of a toilet complex and Renovation of a Computer Lab at Halmillawatiya Vidyalaya
4. Construction of a new building and renovation of the existing buildings in the village Pre School.
5. Building of an electric fence to protect the village from the elephant threat.
6. Construction of 70 houses for the homeless.
7. Housing Project
      - 1st stage - Ten houses will be constructed and handed over to owners. This stage will be completed by 2nd March 2021 in line with the 70th Air Force Anniversary.
      - 2nd stage - Fifteen houses will be constructed and handed over to owners.
      - 3rd stage - Rest of the housing project will be completed.

Stages 2 and 3 will be completed before the end of the year 2021.



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