4:27pm on Tuesday 1st February 2022
The No 5 Fighter Squadron “Black Drongos” celebrated its 31st anniversary today (01 February 2022). The day’s proceedings began with a Working Parade held at the squadron premises which was reviewed by the Commanding Officer, Wing Commander Roshan Perera. Addressing the parade, the Commanding Officer recalled the tremendous service rendered to the motherland by this squadron and the scarifications of the men done to eradicate the ruthless terrorism from the motherland and he concluded by highlighting the importance of this Fighter Squadron to the nation at present and in future years to come.

The No 5 fighter squadron was the first ever dedicated jet squadron established in Si Lanka Air Force upon the Idea of the Air Marshal MJT DE S Gunawardena, Commander of the SLAF in 1990. The squadron was formed at Sri Lanka Air force base katunayake with two FT-5 trainers and the fleet was heightened by acquiring the FT-7, four F-7 Airguard day fighters and was further added with Mig-27s in 2000. In order to counter the emerging LTTE air threat, F-7GS fighter jets were inducted to the SLAF on 07 September 2007.

Since the inception, ten Commanding Officers have shouldered the responsibility of the squadron and have produced more than 26 fighter pilots who valiantly fought in the name of the mother land before the ruthless LTTE separatists.

No 5 Fighter Squadron has contributed promptly and effectively whenever it was called upon with distinction and honour performing multitude Counter Air and Counter Surface Force Operations conducting an excess of 600 flying sorties during the humanitarian operations. The results of these efforts were clearly manifested in the nation’s ultimate victory over terrorism.

Due to the illustrious legacy of No 5 Fighter Squadron, was awarded with presidents colours in 2021 considering the significant service rendered to nation over the years.
Celebrating its 31st anniversary, No 5 fighter Squadron continue to render its service to the nation as the leading air defence platform defending the skies of motherland  whilst being the cradle for fighter pilots and will continue to prosper in future with the newest updates and highly trained crew, keeping the Air Force ensign flying high.



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