Commissionning and Passing Out Parade
9:37am on Saturday 29th January 2011
It was a moment of supreme pride and patriotism for the Sri Lanka Air Force when it held the commissioning parade of the 52nd Intake of Officers Cadets, 05th Lady Officer Cadets and the passing out parade of No.147 Intake of  the Regular Airmen recruit course yesterday (28th January 2011) at  the SLAF Academy in China Bay.

Taking the salute as the Chief Guest at this esteemed occasion was the Chief of Defence Staff and the Commander of the Air Force, Air Chief Marshal Roshan Goonetileke. Chief Guest was accompanied by the Commandant of Air Force Academy china Bay, Air Vice Marshal Kapila Jayampathy.

The day’s proceedings began on a grand note with the Commissioning Parade led by the Acting Commanding Officer of the Combat Training School in China Bay, Squadron Leader Mangala Seneviratna. The 36 Officer Cadets and 04 lady Officer Cadets impending commissioning then slow marched on to the parade square for the formal proceedings. The commissioning of Lady Officers. happened after a period of eleven years.

This was the culmination of nearly one and half years of intensive training and hard work for the officers who were from different branches of General Duties Pilot, Logistics, Administrative Regiment and Operations Air. Having begun initial training at SLAF Base in Diyatalawa for 20 weeks, these officers subsequently followed the Basic Administrative Course at the Combat Training School in China Bay. This was followed by specialized branch training at SLAF training schools situated in Diyatalawa and China Bay for the No.52nd Intake.

To begin the Commissioning proceedings, the Parade Commander informed the Officer Cadets to receive the ceremonial swords from the Reviewing Officers to commemorate this significant moment in their lives, and congratulated by their Chief, the Commander of the Air Force.

The Air Force Commander then inspected the parade after which the newly recruited SLAF personnel commenced their march in squadrons firstly in slow time followed by quick time paces, formed as squadrons in column of route and re-forms on the receiving base.

The parade then advanced in review order to present arms in general salute to the Reviewing Officer. They were accompanied by the Ceremonial Band of the SLAF as they marched in unison and camaraderie with a sense of great pride with each stride.

What proved to be a thrilling experience for the audience followed next at the Wings Parade for the 06 Officer Cadets of the General Duties Pilot branch who received their Flying Brevets from the Chief Guest.

First to take flight in perfect formation were 05 PT 6 aircraft belonging to the China Bay Academy No.1 Flying Training Wing. Following this, the shrill scream of the engines of K 8, Advanced fighter jet could be heard zooming through the air long before they appeared in the skies, doing their customary pull up followed by a beautifully executed roll before disappearing in an enthralling exit. The jet was flown by the Commanding Officer of No. 01 Flying Training Wing, Wing Commander Sharika Aranayaka and Flying Officer Bandara. Fittingly, the PT 6 formation was carried out by the Instructors of the No01 Flying Training Wing, who put the young men who got their wings today through their paces to reach the skies.

The presentation of awards to the Airmen who passed out took place next was subsequently followed by the address of Air Chief marshal Roshan Goonetileke. After which the parade marched out in slow time signaling the conclusion of the main event of the day.

Tunes and beats of local and foreign tunes could then be heard over the stunning China Bay SLAF enclosure as the Sri Lanka Air Force Military Band took to the parade square for the band display. A meticulous and graceful drill display by recruits of the Combat Training School brought a close to the day’s eventful program. The meticulously perfect parade and the efficiency of execution throughout displayed the skill and quality of the SLAF Academy and its coterie committed Instructors.

Following awards were also awarded

Best Officer Cadet
-GD Pilots Branch
-Pilot Officer SAI Niroshana
Best Officer Cadet
-Logistic Branch
-Pilot Officer AGBP Kumarasinghe
Best Officer Cadet
-Admin regiment Branch
-Pilot Officer SA Nawalahewage
Best Officer Cadet
-Operation Air Branch
-Pilot Officer AADH Pathmasiri
Best Officer Cadet
-Administrative Branch
-Pilot Officer GAKMP Chandrasiri
Best Lady Officer Cadet
-All round
-Pilot Officer JP Sewwandi
Best Recruit
-All round
-Air Craftsman Premachandra WAS
Best Recruit
-Physical Efficiency
-Air Craftsman Chathuranga AT
Best Recruit
-Best Student
-Air Craftsman Karunaratna KGRK
Best Recruit
-Best Shooter
-Air Craftsman Dhananjaya WC



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