Priority to Virusara Privilege Card holders when availing health services from Government Hospitals
12:48pm on Thursday 11th July 2024
As a result of the efforts of State Minister of Defence Hon. Premitha Bandara Tennakoon and the direct intervention of the Minister of Health Hon. Ramesh Pathirana, the Ministry of Health has granted approval to provide priority service to the dependents of the War Heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country and the disabled soldiers when obtaining health services from government hospitals and clinics.

This move comes after State Minister Tennakoon, on learning of incidents of difficulties experienced by War Heroes in obtaining health services, had fruitful discussions with the Health Minister.  As a result of a request by the State Minister at the discussion, the Ministry of Health had agreed to extend priority to ‘Virusara’ Privilege Card holders when they obtain health services from government hospitals.

Virusara card holding War Heroes and their dependents will be able to receive priority service when receiving treatment from the outpatient departments of government hospitals, as well as in medical, dental, eye, pediatric and prenatal and other clinics. Accordingly, the Ministry of Health has taken measures to inform all provincial health services and regional health service directors instructing them to inform all their staff including directors, doctors and nurses of respective hospitals of this facility.



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