4th SL Aviation Contingent in Central Africa Conduct Final Civil Military Coordination Activity
8:23pm on Sunday 24th November 2019
The 4th Sri Lanka Aviation Contingent in Central African Republic conducted its final Civil Military Coordination (CIMIC) activity before the troop rotation on 14th November 2019. The purpose of this event was to support and encourage students during their school day and to motivate them to excel in studies and to bring pleasant childhood memories to the children who are victims of conflicts. Soccer Balls were distributed among children of 3 schools (Dounia School - Pk 3, Yd’jama School - Bria Town and Barangbake School- Bourno Village).
This event was organized with the coordination of the UN Civil Affairs Section, CLA representatives with the presence of CIMIC Officer and Military Gender Adviser Sector (MGA), Sector East.