SLAF Contingent in MINUSCA Conduct Yet Another CIMIC Activity
2:56pm on Wednesday 2nd September 2020
In view of extending a helping hand towards the needy communities, the 5th Sri Lanka Air Force Contingent deployed in United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) conducted a Civil Military Coordination (CIMIC) activity at Kolaga, Bria on 31 August 2020.

Many children and adults were benefited during the event as such programmes have not been conducted recently due to the plague. A variety of items including stationary, toys and clothes were distributed among the children. Both men and women who were presented at the occasion were also gifted with dozens of garments and they were very grateful for the CIMIC activity by the Contingent.

The event was successfully geared under the patronage of SLAF Aviation Contingent Commander, Wing Commander Kushan Wanniarachchi together with the support of all the members of the Contingent in consultation with the CIMIC Department of Eastern Sector of the UN HQ.



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