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Individual Research Project


To develop the research interest and create self-reliance researchers who will be able to contribute high quality research work.

Intended Learning Outcomes: Learners should be able to:
  1. Understand data types, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with their applications in research.
  2. Apply descriptive statistics using statistical software, SPSS.
  3. Analyse relationships and perform statistical inference using SPSS in research.
  4. Interpret and report statistical results.
  5. Identify the research problem, formulate research hypothesis based on the problem and objectives, distinguish research techniques in different situations and design a research proposal concept of Air operations.
  6. Confidently and proficiently review the related literature
  7. Critically examine and analyse the research related information
  8. Illustrate and present the findings of the research
Module Content:

Statistics (Focus on Research Methodology), Research Methodology, Individual Research Project

Teaching /Learning Methods:

Lectures, interactive syndicate room discussions, case discussions.

Assessment Strategy:

Assignments, Viva, Research submission and presentations.

References/Reading Materials:

  1. Business Statistics-A First Course by David M. Levine,‎ Kathryn Szabat,‎ David F. Stephan, Pearson Education [ 7th Ed.] 2015.
  2. Carver, Robert H., and Nash, J.G. Doing Data Analysis with SPSS, Richard Stratton 2012.
  3. Cresswell, J.W (1998) Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions. Thousand Oaks,CA: Sage Denzin,N.K&Lincoln,Y.(2000). Introduction: The discipline and practice of qualitative research. In N.K Denzin & Y S Lincoln (Eds), Handbook of qualitative Research (2 nd ed.) (pp.1-28). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage